Seasons Alone

As seasons of life go by the experience of the ones felt alone and in waiting never seem to get any easier.  The time drags and I can’t seem to muster up the want or desire to do much of anything. I’m tired. I feel threatened and scared, and I want relief. Never knowing if […]

Riding shotgun

 As I’m sitting shotgun riding with the love of my life I’m thinking about what my life looks like today. It’s nothing spectacular, but I’m happy. I battled with heavy additcion problems for 13 years and finally got clean a little over a year and a half ago. After being brought to my knees by […]

A Free Life

As a human I’ve longed for the freedom for myself and for others. I’ve searched for it in many places and found bits and pieces at different times. With one piece of freedom comes some tie almost immediately and in every place I’ve looked this seems to be the case. The experience I’ve had is […]