A Free Life

As a human I’ve longed for the freedom for myself and for others. I’ve searched for it in many places and found bits and pieces at different times. With one piece of freedom comes some tie almost immediately and in every place I’ve looked this seems to be the case. The experience I’ve had is a lot with drug use and with that comes the tie of addiction. The love for it and the hate for what happens with it. After getting clean there’s a new sense of freedom of being independent and taking care of things in life without the struggle of having something physically and mentally hold you down. The issue that’s been on my mind recently is the freedom of myslelf and others in this world and in the United States seeing as that’s where I live. I thought for a long time that government couldn’t touch me or regulate things in my life and I learned the hard way most of the time that that’s not the case. The way I see it today is there’s no such thing as the true freedom for an individual there’s always someone trying to make a dollar off you and then tax that dollar. But for what? Greed. It costs more to eat healthy, you have to pay to live in a place you don’t really want to on a planet you were born on. They say the military fights for our freedom but the governments not protecting us they protect themselves sending the military to invade countries for a profit with our own blood and we’re still in debt fighting wars that are created. When was the last time someone invaded us own their own will without us having a part in it? The government  takes our freedom from us so why aren’t we fighting our government instead of invading other countries trying to fix them when there’s so much wrong with our own? In conclusion to this it upsets me we can’t get things right and we’re still going down a dark road. The people can take care of people and there’s a lot of freedom in that. I don’t need a list of rights that I have a a person that someone else gets to decide the bottom line is we have the right as humans why does someone who else is human get to decide who gets what and have power over others?  No human gets to decide that. If we are created under a power that is much greater than us let’s call it God then don’t we only answer to that?  That’s the freedom I’ve found. One love One God .

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